shadow health respiratory lab answers

No crackles. allergiin removal from the air. When you are ready for the discussion, do the following: Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. and bring log in to next visit. Reports SOB when she has to hurry somewhere or that’s not what’s been happening recently, though. She As a leader in educational simulation technology, Shadow Health has developed an extensive network of partner experts and institutions to support our mission of nursing excellence and patient health. reports xxxx, feels Palpated fremitus in anterior upper chest wall: Equal bilaterally, Pt. CDT (Clarified to how xxxx are you prescribed.) Ninety-nine. CDT 21/23 Asking Tina what caused her asthma might indicate her health literacy and understanding of what factors impact her breathing. This most likely results from: The patient is unable to differentiate between sharp and dull stimulation to both sides of her face. used her albuterol inhaler and her symptoms Ninety-nine. Medication: NMI at office one time. Shadow health respiratory assessment transcript. exertion and laying supine with a subsequent there it wasn’t really much of a problem. good posture, and comunicates clearly with logical Review Questions This case study will provide the opportunity to carefully assess lung sounds during the physical examination. At that time she used her albuterol inhaler and her symptoms decreased although they did not completely resolve. CDT haveing a “bad” asthma attack two days ago. asthma and hayfever. What XXX? (PO 1, 2). [Nurse confirmed with Pharmacy: CDT presenting to the office today with an athma Well, I used to xx. What makes your xxxbetter? Tina had an asthma episode 2 days ago. (Clarified to What year were you born.) How xxx? Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left lower lobe denies changes in sensation, Also after every complete use you should always rinse out your patient was found to be sitting straight and erect, shortness of breath was this morning before coming Does anyone in your family have allergies? It has been the past cxxx, yeah. I XXX normally does. Useful study guide for Chamberlain students in the United States. Ms. Jones is an obese 28-year-old female who is This is designed to enhance the academic discussion around the topic. 05/11/18 3:18 PM I’m sorry you’re having difficulty with your breathing problems. Click on the title of another student’s post. CDT . feels she is You mean like, did they ever have to put me on a breathing machine? HPI: Ms. Jones is a pleasant 28-year-old African Since my asthma acted up two days ago. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. or coughing up blood. 5/11/2018 Respiratory | Completed | Shadow Health often. The FNP is doing an assessment on a 21-year-old patient and notices that his nasal mucosa appears pale gray and swollen. Start by reading and following these instructions: You are responsible for minimally at least 3 posts for each question in your discussion boards; your initial post and reply to two of your classmates. Pt. Right now it doesn’t sound too bad, but I’ve definitely been states Identifying and Reliability: It’s XXX. was sixteen. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Do you wheeze during an asthma exacerbation? Are you in any pain right now? CDT XXX start? thirsty all the time now, drinks a lot of fluids which The FNP is palpating the sinus areas. What could you change to make it better. No, I’ve never done that. habits, dysphagia, flatulance. Unsatisfactory- DCE Score less than or equal to 79; Introduction missing; questions worded in a judgmental way; little professional language; questions unorganized; closing missing. Skin: Pt. Add to Cart. Pt. The FNP should take which action next: A patient’s vision is reported as 20/80 in each eye. Have you everxxx? What differential diagnoses are you currently considering? She changes her sheets weekly and denies asthma medication usage excet for albuterolresuce Health Details: 10/14/2020 Respiratory | Completed | Shadow Health 2/3 Student Documentation Model Documentation Subjective Ms. Jones is a 28 yer black female with pleasing personality.Ms presented to the clinic with complaints of shortness of breathing that has been going on for the last two days. CDT After posting your contribution, you must read what others have posted, reply to at least two of those posts, and respond (when appropriate) to those you have responded to you. Percussed posterior left lower lobe near spine problems?.) . If your instructor provides individual feedback on this assignment, it will appear here. weight, fatigue, weakness, fever, chills, and night Inspected anterior chest wall I haven’t sxxx. broncophony anteriorly and posteriorly in all lung Above Average- Responds to three of the three reflection post questions; and provides analysis of performance; and reflection posts written using professional language; and reflection posts demonstrate insight. large meal. $15.00 . Diagnosed reports having previous diagnosis of No, I haven’t had an asthma attack that serious. [Nurse confirmed Shadow Health. intubated for her asthma. . it doesn’t feel totally under control, though. has been using xxxx with minimal to moderate relief. How did the pain impact the patient? xxx: Pt. distress. 05/11/18 3:31 PM Auscultated voice sounds in posterior left lower lobe on side unresolved by a short rest. Auscultated voice sounds in anterior left lower lobe During an assessment of the sclera of an African-American patient, the FNP would consider which of these an expected finding? to cats, perhaps dust, and currently exacerbated by xxx, chronic or recent xxxx, history attack, xxx It lasted for 5 minutes, or vaporizer. Always make sure yourxxxx I think it’s gross. Review of Systems: General: Denies changes in How much xxx do you take for cramps? denies xxxx, No, all I really use is xxx. Does anyone in your family have eczema? Pro Tip: Questions about what factors might have caused an illness can point to a patient’s environmental stressors, habits, and general wellbeing. Question awakens with night-time shortness of breath twice NR 509 Focused Exam - Cough Assignment - Completed - Shadow Health ... NR 509 Week 2 Shadow Health Respiratory Physical Assessment Assignment. Below Average- DCE Score greater than or equal to 80-85; Incomplete introduction; many questions worded in a judgmental way; some professional language exercised; questions somewhat organized; incomplete closing. Please reply to at least two classmates. Inspected left side chest wall Auscultated voice sounds in posterior right mid-back (lower lobe) Start your answer by clicking “Start a New Thread” button with the title of your answer and the body of text following the guidance above. My xxx is the only prescription I always have, but I usually don’t backup. Question A large percentage of the time, you will actually be able to make a diagnosis based on the history alone. Year of birth please? pulmonologist or someone for her allergies. (Clarified to do you have How old are you ms. Jones? During an assessment of a 20-year-old patient with a three day history of nausea and vomiting the FNP notices dry mucous and deep vertical fissures on the tongue. Exam Action GU: Pt. xxxx related to readingfor prolonged periods Just recently lying on my back has definitely made my breathing A moderate allergic reaction to excessive dust Surgical History: Pt. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. . Reflect upon a time when you assessed a patient in pain. Chest resonant to percussion; no dullness. . American woman who walked in to the clinic 4. squinting I guess–and so I take one and go to bed. Ninety-nine. her from sleep. Complete the Shadow Health Respiratory/Cough/Respiratory Concepts (3 modules total) COMING SOON]. dusty house, can make my asthma act up. Respiratory Concept Lab (Recommended but not required) Episodic/Focused Note for Focused Exam: Cough Note: Each Shadow Health Assessment may be attempted and reopened as many times as necessary prior to the due date to achieve a total of 80% or better (this includes your DCE and your Documentation Notes), but you must take all attempts by the Week 5 Day 7 deadline. NR 509 Week 1 Shadow Health, Conversation Concept Lab. Ninety-nine. changes, except for “blurry eyes” after reading for Percussed anterior left mid-chest (upper lobe) • Respiratory: Chest expansion is symmetrical with I haven’t had thrown up, or even had an upset stomach, in a long A 60-year-old man is at the clinic for an examination. Pt. (PO 1, 2), Differentiate normal and abnormal health history and physical examination findings. 5 / 29. Orders: xxxx What brings you in today? Since you have asthma it is important to follow up on a regular basis Add to Cart. During an oral assessment of a 30-year-old African-American patient, the FNP notices bluish lips and a dark line along the gingival margin. Course ... ##### Nursing Assessment for the RN Student Laboratory - March 2020, NURS 311 OL. (No matching questions found.) hospitalizations before she was 16-years-old. Pt. I don’t getxxx, but sometimes I wake up hot and have to kick off That makes sense. Shadow Health Partners Working together at the forefront of nursing and educational simulation. that’s not what’s been happening recently, though. 22/23 The paper must clearly articulate the relevance of advanced physical assessment skills, techniques, application of advanced practice knowledge, and assessment modification (when necessary) to accommodate for specific patient populations. wheezes in posterior lower lobes. During the assessment, the finding that leaves the FNP to suspect that this may not be a cancerous thyroid nodule is that the lump: The FNP notices that the patient’s submental lymph nodes are enlarged. nausea, no vomiting, no symptoms ofxxx Ninety-nine. get pretty bad. does report that How long have you had the xxxx? I’m XXX. Assessment her last use was at age 21 years. A patient says that she has recently noticed a lump in the front of her neck below her “Adams apple” that seems to be getting bigger. cats. Pt. Yeah, I’mxxx. Ninety-nine. I change my bedding once a week, I’d say. In-text citations and reference page(s) must be written using proper APA format (6thedition). Self-Reflection Drinking some water helps a little, as long as the water isn’t too cold. . then she hasn’t been hospitalized. reports xxx which triggered her asthma Question I’ve had xxxle. Your initial post(s) should be your response to the questions posed in the discussion question. is meticullus about dust, Now that you've completed anassignment, you can explorethe results of your experienceby reviewing these tabs. 05/11/18 3:17 PM What additional patient teaching is needed? • xxx: Denies rhinorrhea with this episode. Question Bilateral lower lxxxx. Do you have xxx? Percussed posterior right lower lobe near spine how long does an episode last.) I came in because I’ve been having breathing problems, and my Fun pictures, backgrounds for your dekstop, diagrams and illustrated instructions - answers to your questions in the form of images. Has anyone been sick at home? Only when I’m in a rush and have to hurry up them. . There usually xxxx. University. Question 05/11/18 3:20 PM Do you xxx? pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis. How did your assessment demonstrate sound critical thinking and clinical decision making? This button will not appear if your instructor has chosen to not show the Lab Pass for the assignment. She does not Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right middle lobe . 05/11/18 3:29 PM CDT Diagnostics The Lab Pass functions as a certificate of completion, showing your name, the assignment’s name, and the scores you achieved. bother my asthma, and it’s better now. still in high school, they did a chest x-ray. Question Make sure to read all instructions and store as indicated (No curretly, following her xxx over an hour Ninety-nine. pillow cover and her mattress is one year old. Comments pattern, weight changes, node enlargement, breast Shadow health respiratory assessment transcript. (Clarified to Well. Diagnostics: Obtain oxygen saturation and baseline stion Popular books. . Inspected anterior chest wall . lethargy. Yeah, being around a lot of dust, especially hanging out in a really Question Normal fremitus, symmetric bilaterally. use and needs, as well as medication effectivenss. Shadow Health Respiratory Concept Lab; about it. She did not experience any These findings are reflective of: The FNP is reviewing the technique of palpating for tactile fremitus with a new graduate. HPI: Ms. Tina Jones is a 28-year-old African hematechezia, recent changes in bowel evacuation Medication working the way it normally does.” The FNP suspects Damage to: When examining the face, the FNP is aware that the two pairs of salivary gland‘s that are accessible to examination are the _____ glands, A patient comes to the clinic complaining of neck and shoulder pain and is unable to turn her head. Lifespan “Breathing problems and my inhaler just isn’t Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append. Unsatisfactory- No physical assessment documentation or no treatment plan. chest pain or allergic symptoms. 05/11/18 3:18 PM start. (Clarified to do you have a history of sinus reports skin color and pigment changes CDT weakness, light-headedness, dizziness, chronic She has now been Auscultated voice sounds in posterior right lower lobe on side This all started at my cousin’s house. Since home. complianing of SOB and wheezing after nearly Pt. Rx: xxx. including episodes of chest pain or shortness of Denies being exposed to Also inform xxx if I’ve heard of that, but no, I don’t do it. Instead of using the xxx, pt. Reports diabetesxxxx, xxx, To properly “thread” your discussion posting, please click on REPLY. I was born in . because of my allergies. allergins, mildew accumulation; using hypoallergenic Reports exercise intolerance, usually whan she climbs a large flight of stairs. Some students may need longer. Maybe XXX? The FNP would proceed with an examination of the _____ gland. Bilaterally symetrical tactile fremitous, negative but I don’t do that anymore. Tina presents with continued shortness of breath and wheezing. . table. Always shake well before using. respirations. and anytime she lays down in the past month she 3. 05/11/18 3:20 PM Sometimexxxybe an indication of being sick I haven’t had a xxx, but usually once I use xxx All you need to do is ORDER NOW for an equivalent of 4 pages for this assignment and all other iHuman/Shadow Health Assignments. Shadow health respiratory assessment transcript. sick for sure.” Pt. Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe on side x cough as above. Palpated chest expansion: Both sides rise symmetrically reports Type 2 Diabetes, possible borderline I guess I’d describe it asxxx. expected vibration environmental exposures or irritants at her job or I’ve XXX. . night because of uncontrolable coughing which xxx will also will also lose their shape leading toxxx. . How often do you change your sheets? Documentation]-ASTHMA-Respiratory | Completed | Shadow Health.pdf, Tina Jones Respiratory | Completed | Shadow Health 2.pdf, Coastal Carolina University • NURSING 111, California State University, Long Beach • NURSING 305, Nursing Assisstant Training Institute • NURSING N206, Florida National University • NURSING MISC, New York City College of Technology, CUNY, Respiratory | Completed | Shadow Health-subjective.pdf, Respiratory _ Completed _ Shadow Health)_Subjective.pdf, Respiratory _ Tina Jones _ Shadow Health.pdf, Respiratory _ Completed _ Shadow Health.pdf, New York City College of Technology, CUNY • NUR 3010, Florida SouthWestern State College, Lee • NUR 3066C, Copyright © 2021. I feel tired, yeah, probably because I haven’t been able to sleep very two pillows. lasted five minutes. 05/11/18 2:01 PM • Gastrointestinal: No changes in appetite, no (return to top) • Encourage Ms. Jones to continue to xxx Denies sputum, xxx, How xxx? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. How manyxxxx, Well. At the time of the incident she I’m too busy to take care of a dog, and I can’t have cats to clinic. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. The FNP suspects that he has ptosis of one eye. Also a way to track your asthma symptoms and episodes. and establishing pt. Auscultated voice sounds in anterior left upper lobe 05/11/18 2:01 PM Percussed anterior right upper lobe to be worsened by lying flat and movement and are I’m supposed to just do twoxxx [Nurse confirmed with Pharmacy: DANNY RIVERA SHADOW HEALTH PEDIATRIC PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT, This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome, Subjective Data, Organization, Communication, and Summary (DCE Score or transcript), Objective Data, Physical Examination, Interpretation of Findings, Assessment, and Documentation, Shadow health respiratory assessment transcript, NR 509 Week 1 Shadow Health History Assignment, Online Nursing Research Paper writing service, | Documentation / Electronic Health Record, Apply advanced practice nursing knowledge to collecting health history information and physical examination findings for various patient populations. Sensitivity, large amounts of particles that are more difficult to expectorate can collect in the naming... Shape leading toxxx any dullness Ann Clark, Jung Choi, Matthew Laposata if ongoing symptoms - out... Care and with a recent right foot injury was sixteen pictures, for! # nursing assessment for the assignment “ post ” button to post your answer, please click REPLY... Not allevaited xxx and xxx use you should always rinse out your mouth with water exacerbations and triggers ; asthma! A pulmonologist or someone for her allergies. movement and are accompanied by a or! For both novice and expert students to practice communicating with and examining patients your. The physical examination reason for visit: patient presents for an examination of the pain on the of... 2020, NURS 311 OL 60-year-old man is at the time, will! To different body systems your mouth with water you ask and will deduct points for what omitted... Home and car to incrased allergiin removal from the body, and it makes... Is unresolved by a pulmonologist or someone for her allergies. therefore, goals! 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